
imageUPDATE 2020

I had hoped to be starting to tells the tales of our adventures around Ireland this year, but as we all know the Coronavirus has put paid to that. We hope to be able to restart our adventures in 2021, but who knows. Meanwhile, I am happy to provide a link here to a few our of earlier adventures starting in 2008 captured on Chris Goulder’s Hadlow Bikers blog.



Following the success of the European adventure in 2015, in order to remain happily married and employed it was best to return to the day job and family. However having had such a blast over the final 9 days through Spain, cycling with Chris & Nick, there was another itch that needed scratching.

Born out of that itch came this years challenge, to cycle from the most Northerly point of Iberia to its Southwest corner. All parties were keen to sign up and with Nick giving us the Spanish translation and Nigel, Portugese (albeit Brazilian Portugese) dates were set and from the 5-16 May the next adventure will take place.

Cycling from 7-15 May the aim will be to cover the 750-800 miles and try to climb the highest mountain on mainland Portugal.

Hopefully the 3G in (very) rural Portugal will be strong enough to send daily updates during the trip and you will be very welcome to tune in and see how we get on.


Cycling has become a passion, although my children think so, I am not addicted to it, but do think the mix of exercise, open air, exploration and being closer to the real world, we are doing something that is very difficult to beat. You can see, hear and feel more than sitting in your car or walking or running, can cover a good deal of ground and stop if you want to.

Whilst having cycled 3 miles to grammar school everyday, an unrepaired puncture when I was in the sixth form stopped that and it was not until the doctors advised me to stop running 8 years ago in order to preserve my joints that cycling properly started as a keep fit regime. As with all things starting on mountain bikes with a couple of friends from the village and then moving onto alloy and then finally carbon racing bikes has followed.

The first organised trip was the result of a Christmas dare by one of the groups wives and a Hadlow Tower to the Eiffel Tower cycle trip was born in 2007. This was followed by A week long Tonbridge to its twin town Le Puy trip the following year and then other trips most of the following years mainly through the fabulous roads of France but also in Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, indeed on one memorable day we had breakfast in Belgium, coffee in Luxembourg, lunch in Germany before returning to Belgium for dinner, a truly special days cycling.

In 2014 I joined Ride Across Britain, an organised Lands End to John O’ Groats ride in 9 days camping enroute as part of a Lloyd’s Bank Team raising money for The Alzheimer’s Society – it was a tough challenge made more so as sadly one of our riders died was a result of being hit by an overtaking car.

Whilst always looking to enjoy the challenge of the journeys i have also always raised money for charity and to date have raised well over £10,000 for different good causes. This trip is no different and this year I am looking to support both Children in Need and The Alzheimer’s Society.

As I said in my opening blog the reason for doing the ride is because I think I can but also you have to challenge yourself to do more while you can and prove that it is possible for the ordinary to be extraordinary.

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